Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PND Culture Movies Reflection

A. To what degree did you work toward team goals? (Please explain your answer)
Superior, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement

I think I did a good job. I tried my hardest to work together and meet all the expectations of this project.

B. What specific tasks and duties did you perform as a member of this team?

I helped interview, cut the videos, make up the questions, and talk to the students and teachers.

C. To what degree did you offer your gifts, talents, and time as a member of the team? 
(Please explain your answer) 
Superior, Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Needs Improvement
I think i did very good at offering my gifts, talents, and time. I used all of my knowledge with these tools and i didn't give up with it became frustrating. 

D. To what degree did you take action as a member of the team? 
(Please explain your answer) 
Leader, Very Active, Somewhat Active, Had to Be Told What to Do
I think I took action as a very active leader because I was always looking for something to improve and I was giving new ideas to the group.

E. What makes you most proud about your movie and why?

I think Mr. Roy's interview was very important and it made our movie different from the others.

F. If you were going to make any changes to your movie, what would they be?

I would try to make it shorter.

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